Both my jobs wrapped up in May and I basically spent the next two weeks sick in bed since I could!(Yay for all day sickness) When I felt up to it and with the help of my sisters We started the process of cleaning out the guest bedroom and converting it into the new office.
For Memorial Weekend, We all went down to Boerne, Tx to celebrate my Uncle's 50th birthday. It was a hot Texas weekend but it was fun to visit with relatives we haven't seen in years!
We also made a quick stop by the Gristmill for lunch. It was very yummy!
Lizzy & Darain
KK and Clint
The first week in June Liz and Kels graduated from Highschool! Its crazy to think they are old enough to be moving on to College! I'll have pics of prom and graduates in a later post!
Here's the newest picture of Baby Simpson! This was taken at 13 weeks. We are now at 15. I've been feeling better overall but I still have bad days here and there! My next apt. is in a week and then at 20 weeks we will be finding out the gender! We are all excited for that day to come!
Since this post is getting a little on the long side I will leave with just a few more pic's of all the caous that's been going on around here. I swear it feels like we've been moving! But we have one room done and one more to go! Yay!
Hope everyone has a blessed Monday!
Old Office Crazy Hallway
New Office!!!
Very funny. Who is the sign for? I have no clue :)
I love the pic of the office. It looks great! I can hardly wait to see it in person. The picture of Toby in the hallway made me laugh. Tell him his girlfriend's coming to see him soon :)
And although I had already seen it, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the sonogram picture. So sweet! You can tell it's a baby!!! It makes me so excited to go for ours on Friday.
We're so excited to see ya'll in a little over a week. Love you!
I will def tell Toby Hi for you! Hehe! He will be excited to see you : )
I CANT wait to see y'all next week! We need to plan to do some fun things!
Also I'm so excited to see your new baby picture! Its so much fun to be able to see a baby now and not a peanut anymore!
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