Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy(belated) 4th!

July has come fast and furious. We had a great 4th with our family and friends. We spent Friday pretty much low key and that evening we went out to Granbury for the fireworks. The weather was actually pretty nice for Texas and the show is always a fun way to end the 4th!

Dad and Dave
Step,Lizzy,Matt,& Kate Emily, Ash,Our neighbors Brian &Leslie
Saturday we spent a fun day with Collin and Kristin. That evening we were invited to come celebrate Kris's dad birthday. It was a beautiful evening of fellowship, good food, and some more fireworks!

Outside at the Wolcott's(Isn't the view just gorgeous?)

Pregnant Ladies! Kristin at 13 weeks and I at 17, So much fun going threw this new experience with a friend!Our silly boys thought it would be fun to show off the baby belly bumps! Thanks guys for the help : )

This was my atempt at baking for the holiday. Love to do it, but doesn't always turn out the way I hope the first time around. Hopefully next years will turn out even better. It does look pretty thou......

Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend!

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