Sunday, May 3, 2009

5 months

Today my baby is 5 months. She is now curving in on to that big 6 month mark. It amazes me in some way that we are already here and how fast time has flown and in other ways I feel like she been here forever, this is simply a way of life. We fall in love with our little sweet pie more and more every day. She makes us laugh daily and her personality is just getting sweeter by the day.

These days Miss Myalee enjoys......
- tummy time and trying to move around(alot of air swimming happens !)

- playing in her activity center

-making new friends
-sitting in her bumbo while we eat dinner

- LOVES to go on walks, she just coos and giggle as we stroll. Will also take a good nap as were walking around.

-snuggling up with mommy and daddy
-a nibble on those fingers and a suck of the thumb
-but no worries our paci is still our BFF
-and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

There so much more fun things I could list but these are just some of the highlights and thought I'd share.

Happy five months baby girl!!! Mommy and Daddy adore and love you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So sweet...I love it! She just keeps getting cuter :)