Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Look mom at what I can do.....

So while I was at work on Friday I was in the office and one of the nursery door is connected to the office, When I walked by here is what I saw.... Oh My!!!When did my baby get so big! She thinks she's ready to get up and go! To cute! But she needs to slow down, mommy is definitely not ready for that step yet!
So Friday was a fun picture day for us.
First was at school and then we took a picture with our sweet friend Hadley. She told her mom that she and Maylee needed matching dresses! So Precious!!!
Then that evening our friends the Day's came over for dinner.
It was a fun evening of fellowship : )
Look at our chunky monkey!
Cayden and Maylee
They could really care less and just want off this floor(and to be held)......

okay off to put a sleepy head to bed!


Kato said...

I know I say this every time...but she's so big!!! AND SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE'S WALKING. She is NOT supposed to get so big before i'm home!!

Ashleigh said...

I miss her.... Maylee and I need some play dates over spring break!! Love you and really enjoying the pictures!