Thursday, February 5, 2009

Roll Film!!!!!

Hollywood is a corrupt town. People lie, cheat, backstab, and are continuously scandalous. It's a rough life. And certainly not one you want for your daughter. But when she has so much raw talent, a beautiful mug, and simply comes alive when the camera is rolling, it's hard not to send her to Tinseltown.

So here I stand perplexed. Is it just a proud parent overexaggerating their child's potential or is this little girl the most talented kid you've ever seen? Now that I've examined it a bit closer, it's clear. Do you think we should ask for her own trailer AND makeup room? Or just for the trailer?

Check out Maylee's most recent project to the right to see what all the hype is about! We were shooting footage of a new film called "Tummy Time" (releases summer of 2010) when she decided to perform some brilliant improv! Cinematic gold! Call Cannes! We've got a winner for Best Supporting Roll! Lights! Camera! Action!

credits: Maylee Simpson - lead roll, cutey patootey
Larissa Simpson - acting coach and Kraft food services
Clint Simpson - 1st cameraman, editor, sound guy, chuckle in the background, cool dude


Kato said...

Maylee is getting too big!! Please make her stop growing.

P.S.- nice new trick :-D


Ashleigh said...

It's ridiculous how amused I am by seeing Maylee roll over onto her back! I love this!!

M@ said...

Clint not sure if you know anything about computers but I think mine has a virus everytime I log on it says that you blog wa updated a week ago and I know that cant be right

Brandon said...

Love it! and "Kraft food services," had me rolling! Too funny!